UAS Space Review

About the review 

The UAS Space Review is a long-term project which seeks to ensure the UAS uses its space efficiently and effectively - particularly when working in a hybrid way. 

The aim is to reduce the UAS’s existing footprint by at least 25% (or more where possible), a target set for UAS as part of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee’s work to mitigate for the impacts of inflation on the University.  

In looking to reduce UAS footprint the ambition was to seek appropriate consolidation of services into fewer premises overall. 

We also strive to ensure our space is of the right quality and configuration, with appropriate technology in place to ensure delivery of services and support required by the University. 

It is overseen by a Steering Group chaired by the Academic Registrar, Dr Saira Shaikh, with representation from across the UAS. The process of review is taking a highly consultative approach, to ensure our space continues to meet our needs. 

Progress to date

Since its initial launch in Michaelmas term 2022, the project has made significant progress, with many UAS teams already taking steps to reduce their space – in particular through the use of shared-desking and other flexible arrangements in a variety of UAS offices.

There have already been some changes, including:

  • Academic Administration Division: Student Systems moving to Worcester Street (releasing space for academic use in Gibson building), the Student Registry releasing some Exam Schools space, and consolidating Academic Registrar’s Office and EPS space 
  • Estates Services: releasing space in 4 and 6 Worcester Street 
  • Finance Division: releasing one floor in 6 Worcester Street 
  • Development Office: taking up space previously used by the International Engagement Office 

These changes have helped achieve a significant step towards the 25% target.

Longer term plans

In June 2023, the University’s Planning and Resource Allocation Committee (PRAC) confirmed proposals to move most UAS teams (including those in Development and External Affairs) into three distinct hubs over the next three years:

  • Student-facing hub, University Offices 
    The University Offices at Wellington Square will be transformed into a central, easily accessible hub for students. This will improve the visibility of central student services and increase collaboration between student-facing teams, in support of the student experience. Oxford SU will also be provided with a new home in the Examination Schools.

  • Senior officers and external-facing hub, Radcliffe Humanities 
    Senior officers and external-facing UAS sections will move to a new location in the Radcliffe Humanities Quarter, after the opening of the Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities; providing a welcoming ‘front door’ to the University.

  • Professional Services hub, Worcester Street and the Malthouse 
    Core UAS functions will move into a collection of units around Worcester Street and the Malthouse. This will create a more cohesive professional services hub, leading to improved collaboration and efficiency. 

Proposed long-term location of UAS teams

The table below provides a high-level indication of the proposed location of individual UAS teams in the long term. Please note that this list is subject to more detailed planning, and more detailed information will be provided as the project develops. 

Senior officers and external-facing hub, Radcliffe Humanities Student-facing hub, University Offices Professional Services hub, Worcester Street and the Malthouse  Other locations
  • VC and Registrar's Offices
  • PVCs and their offices
  • Development  Office and Alumni Engagement
  • Public Affairs Directorate
  • Planning and Council Secretariat
  • Assurance Directorate
  • Academic Registrar's Office
  • Careers Service
  • Centre for Teaching and Learning
  • Education Policy Support
  • Graduate Admissions and Recruitment
  • Student Fees and Funding
  • Student Systems
  • Student Registry (part)
  • Student Welfare and Support Services 
  • Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach 
  • Conference of Colleges 
  • Multi-faith space and satellite office for Oxford SU
  • Equality and Diversity Unit
  • University HR
  • People and Organisational Development
  • Safety Office
  • Occupational Health
  • Research Services
  • Estates Services

Clarendon Building

  • Vice-Chancellor's Office

Dartington House

  • IT Services (additional space for IT Services is also being considered)

Examination Schools

  • Student Registry (part)
  • Oxford SU

16 Wellington Square

  • Legal Services Office

Please note that:

  • *The Finance Division will be located in Oxford University Press when it leaves Hythe Bridge Street later in 2024.
  • Discussions are ongoing for the location of the Proctors’ Office team as part of the long-term planning.
  • The following teams are not in-scope for the review, and will remain in their existing locations:
    • Oxford University Sport
    • Security Services
    • Childcare Services nurseries
    • The Language Centre
    • Temporary Staffing Service

The following buildings are expected to be released by the UAS as part of the project:

  • 23-38 Hythe Bridge Street
  • Hayes House
  • 7-19 Banbury Road
  • 10 Parks Road
  • Littlegate House
  • 56 Banbury Road
  • Robert Hooke Building
  • Boundary Brook House

Most of the moves are not expected to take place until 2026, after the expected opening of the Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities.

Detailed planning is taking place from Trinity term 2024. The Steering Group will continue, with working groups established for each of the three hubs. 

The chairs for the three ‘hub’ groups are:

  • Senior officers and external facing hub: Antony Willott, Director of Planning and Council Secretariat
  • Student-facing hub: Jo Lateu, Head of Administration, Academic Administration Division
  • Core services hub: Dr Stephen Conway, Executive Director, Research Services

These groups will have representation reflective of the teams planned to move to the new hubs. They will support in-depth space planning processes and contribute to a phased relocation plan to inform future office moves.

This phase will include communications and engagement activities to keep UAS staff updated, and guidance will also be provided on making the most efficient use of space, in line with new ways of working.

Gathering input from staff will continue to be an essential part of the project, and there will be a focus on reducing the impact of the changes where practicable on business operations. This means there will be many opportunities to contribute to the future direction of the new spaces as the project progresses.

Further information

More information about the project will follow as it develops, and a number of FAQs can be found below. If you have any questions at this stage, you should speak to your department head, or the relevant chair of the working groups listed above.


Expand All

It won’t be possible to provide detailed plans about individual buildings (other than those listed above) until later in the project. However, it is likely to reduce the number of sites that UAS colleagues work in, with a focus on consolidating teams in larger buildings. This will help the UAS to work together more effectively, in line with our Professional Services Together ambition of working in a more collaborative way.

There will be detailed consultations taking place with each UAS department, with space requirements being analysed and assessed as part of this process.

No. While there will be an expectation that the majority of UAS sections will be able to reduce their existing space allocations, specific reductions will depend on a range of operational factors determined through the course of the project. However, initial scoping indicates that 25% is likely to be broadly achievable in most spaces. Exploring opportunities for greater space saving will be done in consultation with individual teams.

This project is focused on providing the right space for UAS teams based on current practices and future projections. However, it is possible that the way individuals work across the working week may need to change to make effective use of space.

No. This project is specifically focused on making more efficient use of our buildings, based on current workforce projections, and New Ways of Working we are adapting.

Detailed planning is taking place from Trinity term 2024. We will provide more specific details as soon as possible.