Card applications

You should submit all card requests via the Card Request Management App. Guidance on how to create and submit card requests can be found here: The New University Card Service.

Staff or Student with a card query?

  • If you are a member of staff and have a question about your card, please speak to your Departmental or College administrator or HR.
  • If you are a new student please contact the Graduate Admissions Office on
  • If you are an existing student please contact your College office who will advise you.

Information for administrators

You can only have one college and one department affiliation on the card. If you are not sure which type of card to apply for, please go to Card types. Once issued, University cards for staff and visitors are sent to either the department or college. Please note that we do not deal with access issues. If there is a problem, please speak with the departmental or college administrator of the relevant building. You can find further details by going to the Estates Helpdesk.

If your department is not on the Card Request Management App, all the information you will need as an authorised requestor is given below. Please make sure you fully complete the relevant card application form before submitting it, as incomplete forms will incur delays while we wait for missing information from you and please remember to provide a passport-sized photo with the form.

University card administration

For departments not on the Card Request Management App, the form below can used for staff and visitors. The form may be printed or emailed and completed by the applicant but must be approved by the authorised signatory for the relevant college or department, before being returned to the University Card Office.

Staff members who are transferring between departments/colleges do not need to complete a new application form. All you need to do is create a transfer request on the Card Request Management App provide the date when the cardholder is leaving/joining the college or department and confirm any new status or end date, if applicable. If your department is not on the app you can do this by sending a request via email to the Card Office.

Please note:

  • If a staff member is requesting college and department affiliation, the application will need to be signed off by both concerned parties before it is submitted to the Card Office.
  • There is space for two authorised signatures on the application.
  • The department/college to originally complete the application must forward it on to the other department/college.
  • Once both parties have authorised the application, it can then be submitted to the Card Office.

Application form for those departments not on the App


Departmental Visiting Student cards can be issued by departments to visiting students who do not meet the criteria for Recognised or Visiting student status, but who require email access and/or building access.

These cards should only be used for students who are invited to study in a University department for a short period (normally for a few weeks/months and no longer than one year).
Departments can elect to choose an @department or @visiting email address.

Application form for those departments not on the App



Virtual Access status is available for those who are not members of the University - such as external tutors, consultants and contractors - but who need to have access to certain web based facilities (for example: OxCORT, medical teaching sites or some college web-based services).

The Virtual Access application form should be completed but the applicant and submitted to the Card Office. You must stipulate whether the Virtual Access is for an academic or a non-academic. An Oxford Single Sign On username will be created by IT Services.

Please note:

  • This is a virtual status and so no physical card will be issued.
  • The Virtual Access Status account holder will have no access to libraries or IT Services help, even in the management of this account. Virtual Access status is valid for a maximum of one year, unless they are external supervisors.  
  • Virtual Access status holders can also register their email address. Notification of expiry will be sent one month before the account is due to expire and, if appropriate, an extension can be requested.

Application form for those departments not on the App


The Council Secretariat is now responsible for the administration of Congregation membership. 

You can find information about membership and the latest forms available by visiting the Governance and Planning website.

For further information please email  or call +44 (0)1865 270139.

Card renewals

Cardholders receive an email one month prior to the date that their University Card is due to expire to advise them to contact their college or department administrator to arrange for a card renewal.

To request a renewal, please submit a renewal request via the Card Request Management App. You will be asked to provide the Name, Card Number, Date of Birth, Current Card Expiry date and the New Card Expiry Date needed.

Once issued, the new card will be sent to the requester and at this point, please ask the card holder to surrender their old card to be destroyed. If your department is not on the App, please make this request via email.

Card transfers

If a member of staff is joining your department/college in a new role but already has a card with another department/college – you will need to submit a transfer request via the Card Request Management App. 

You will be asked to provide a Date of category/ dept/ college change and the request will be processed by the Card Office on the date given. So the card holder does not lose access before they finish their current role, we would suggest you put this date as the last working day in their current role. If this date falls on a weekend them the request will be processed the next working day.

If your department is not of the App, please make this request via email.

Renewing or updating your photograph

The photograph on the card should be a reasonable likeness. A new photograph must be provided when the current photograph is more than 8 years old or if the staff member's appearance has changed considerably. Photographs must be front facing, head and shoulders in front of a clear plain background. No sunglasses or hats should be worn. If the photograph submitted is not suitable, the Card Office will reject it and request a new one.

A change of photograph can only be made when a new card is being requested for another reason, i.e. a renewal, transfer or damaged replacement. If you are requesting a card for a photo change only, then the card holder will be required to make a £15 payment in order to do this.

Damage, lost or stolen cards

If you are requesting a damaged, lost or stolen card, please visit the relevant pages for further guidance.

For students

Students who wish to request a name change need to contact their college who will liaise with the Academic Records Office on the student’s behalf to get the required change processed.

Once the change has been made to the student’s record, the Card Office will be notified and a new card produced.

Guidance for college administrators on how to process a name change for students can be found at Making Changes to Individual Student Records.

For department staff

Name changes for department staff should first be reported to any relevant local systems, if applicable (i.e. the HR system CORE).

The changes will feed through to the card database automatically and the staff member will then be contacted to verify they require a new University Card.

For college staff or academic visitors

Name changes for college staff or academic visitors who are not in CORE can be processed by emailing the Card Office to request a new card. Legal proof of the name change must be provided.

Guidance for administrators

You can find further support below.


Contact us

Monday to Friday, 9am - 4pm