Departmental Works

The Standing Orders allow University departments to directly manage minor capital works projects (MCWP) up to a value of £100,000 excluding VAT, provided they have authorisation from the Director of Estates.

Only departments that have 'opted in' following the process below are allowed to manage their own MCWPs.

To obtain authorisation, a two-step process must be followed:

Step 1 - Opt-In (confirming the intent to undertake minor capital projects)  

Departments have to opt in to manage MCWP on an annual basis, by completing and submitting the form before September 30 each year. By opting in, a department is confirming it can meet all University and statutory obligations in the management of construction work, and that staff managing the work are competent to do so.  

Step 2 – Obtain authorisation for each project from Estates Services by filling in a Project Information Form 

Each individual project must be authorised by the Director of Estates before it can proceed. This is achieved by logging on to Planon to complete the Project Information Form. This is then submitted to Estates, who will distribute it to relevant stakeholders to advise on whether risks are appropriately identified and managed. This includes the University Safety Office and Purchasing.  


There are several benefits to departments from opting in: 

  • Access to University contractor frameworks such as Preferred Suppliers under the Small Works Framework who have contract terms in place suitable for building works as well as agreed maximum rates.
  • Access to CDM Awareness training provided by the Estates Services Compliance team, and to a developing competency framework and community of practice 
  • Assurance that each project has been reviewed by the relevant stakeholders.

Important Points to note

  • Departments are only permitted to undertake minor capital works projects if they follow this process.   
  • Departments must opt in annually and submit a Project Information Form for each individual MCWP. 
  • Projects must be (and remain) worth less than £100K, excluding VAT. Departments are not insured to manage projects above this value.   
  • Departments that have not opted in cannot use the University contractor frameworks.
  • Only the Director of Estates (or someone with delegated authority from the Director) may sign contracts for building and construction works.
  • Department and divisional heads are responsible for ensuring any projects with departmental personnel's direct involvement are completed per University arrangements or statutory safety requirements. The responsibilities are set out within the Standing orders and University policies, focusing on Construction (Design & Management) and Control of Contractors. This includes the requirement for all contractors to be registered on Constructionline and have SSIP accreditation. The use of any other contractor will require written project-specific approval from Estates and Purchasing.  Failure to demonstrate competent control of construction works poses a risk to the University, departments, and to individuals involved.

If you are unsure whether a piece of work is an MCWP, please email us at




Contact us

Estates Services Compliance Team:

Step 1 - Opt in



Step 2 - Project Information Form

Register individual minor works projects.
(Login required)


If you don't have a login please complete the application form. 

