Two charges make up the annual space charge: the premises-related infrastructure charge (PRISC) and the capital charge. The Planning & Resource Allocation Committee (PRAC) determines these charges using Estates Services' data.
To ensure this information is accurate, departments must review their space data regularly. At the beginning of October every year, we send departments a detailed spreadsheet of data for each of the buildings they occupy, which we ask them to check.
How can I review the live data?
Departmental administrators and building managers have access to ArcGIS Online, our space data hub, which makes detailed space data, building floor plans, and PRISC charges available 24/7. ArcGIS Online also makes it much easier to report any space usage or structural changes in a building.
Next steps
On 1 December, a snapshot of our Space data is taken, and occupations on this date determine the space charge for the next financial year. For example: if a department occupies space on 1 December 2021, it will be charged for that space in the 2022-23 financial year.
In February each year, PRAC calculates space charges for 12 months. These are levied for the duration of the following University financial year, which runs from 1 August to 31 July.
To help maintain consistently accurate records, we ask all departments to inform us promptly throughout the year of any physical changes to the space they occupy and what they are using it for.
Need help?
If you have any questions about your space data or need access to ArcGIS Online, please contact