Understand our services more with our new service catalogue

The purpose of the service catalogue is to ensure transparency for our customers around which services we provide within the service funding that we receive and which ones are not included in that funding and therefore incur an additional charge. The catalogue makes our first phase of service level agreements available, with more to be added by the end of 2022. As our services evolve and change, new SLSs will be added.

You can view the services catalogue here Service Catalogue (sharepoint.com). All University staff should have access, but if you cannot see the catalogue automatically, then click on the ‘request access’ button, and you will be given access within 24 hrs.

Within the service catalogue, you can view the following information;

  • A summary of the service with guidance on whether it is included in the 123 charge
  • Contact details for the service manager
  • A link to the service level statement defining how it is managed and performance monitored
  • A link to the services page on the website which provides more general information about the service

Should you have any questions about the catalogue, please contact Kay Miles, Head of Projects, Business Administration team, Estates Services at kay.miles@admin.ox.ac.uk.

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