Manor Road and St Cross buildings leading a pilot project for waste management

The University aims to reduce total waste by 10% and reach a recycling rate of 40% by 2025, and Manor Road and St Cross teams were keen to see what they could do to help. Estates Services have been working with Select Environmental Services, the University’s non-hazardous waste contractor, to introduce changes in the building to help staff consider and improve how they manage waste day to day. The initiatives include:

  • Replacing personal bins with communal recycling stations
  • Adding clear labelling and signage to help building users separate recycling and dispose of general waste in the right bins
  • Working with Facilities Managers and the Green Impact teams in the buildings to spread the word and keep up the momentum
  • Installing colourful pop-up stands and information cards around the building for staff and visitors to find out more

By bringing attention to every day recycling and encouraging staff to recycle more, the impact could be significant. Not only does recycling help the environment, it also emits 37% less CO2e than general waste and helps to save money on waste fees too by helping our waste provider to manage the University’s waste properly at their centre.

The trial is due to last for six months, and the teams hope to implement lessons from this pilot project across University’s estate.

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