The upgrade to the University’s Chorus phone system is still planned to go ahead on the morning of 5 July, and lifts should not be used while it is underway.
After being informed that the upgrade is complete, departments should confirm that all lift phones are working again before returning them to normal operation.
The Chorus Upgrade Project team will test phone lines before informing departments that the upgrade has been successfully completed, but since remote testing does not always detect all faults, each phone should be tested on site in order to ensure safety. This includes emergency call-out alarms, or any line or intercom system that was temporarily diverted during the upgrade. It is essential to ensure that lift users can always call for help if a problem occurs.
To do this, simply press the lift emergency button or call the relevant emergency contact number as specified on the phone handset.
Please be aware that this will result in a high volume of calls to the Security Services control room, so the line may be engaged. In this case, please wait a few minutes and try again.
If testing suggests that the lift’s communication system is not working properly, departments should contact the University’s lift maintenance contractor, Schindler, using the normal procedure.
Communications on the day of the upgrade
All Heads of Administration and Finance will be informed by email when the upgrade is complete, as will Divisional Heads of Communication. The message will also be passed on to FMs and Building Managers, to Safety Officers, and to Security Services.
All IT support staff and Telephone Coordinators (in departments and colleges) will be informed about progress of the work to upgrade Chorus throughout the upgrade, and the status of phone services will be shared via
Arrangements for business-critical lifts
The impact of the planned upgrade on lifts has already been communicated. Business-critical lifts may still be used throughout the upgrade, provided that a member of staff is present to prevent unattended operation, and equipped with an alternative and tested means of communicating with Security Services if a fault occurs.
Other services affected by the upgrade
Most other services temporarily affected by the upgrade do not need any follow up action; this includes fire alarms. Full details are available in the meeting notes shared by the Safety Office.