You have a legal responsibility (duty of care) to ensure that you produce, store, transport and dispose of your business waste without harming the environment.
You are specifically responsible for your waste from when you produce it until you have transferred it to an authorised person (a person or organisation registered with the Environment Agency who is permitted to collect or carry waste). However, your duty of care extends along the entire chain of management of your waste and has no time limit. This means you must dispose of waste items in the correct bin, to avoid contaminating the entire collection, and if you are disposing of irregular items you must detail them on the collection form so that the correct disposal route can be identified and used.
Select Environmental Services provide annual waste transfer notes and issue these to the appropriate person. These should be held for at least two years for audit and compliance purposes.
The FM Contracts team, in conjunction with the Estates Services Compliance team, carry out regular audits at waste processing facilities to ensure that the University’s waste material is being dealt with in a compliant manner.